Words have power. In fact, the beginning of all creation was spoken into existence when “God said, let there be light.” Everything begins with a word, either spoken or in thought. Words are the genesis of everything we create.
What is a word? Simply, the spoken word is the manipulation of vibration and sound that is imbued with a specific meaning that shapes the reality around us. Written words are characters on display that convey an idea, a meaning, an emotion, a vision, a story, and so much more. The power of this truth is that we can use our word to build or destroy. Words can strengthen relationships, grow companies, and even build nations. Words can also destroy relationships, companies, and nations. Realizing this power, we need to be very intentional in the words we use and when to use them.
How do words destroy?
When you say to another, “You look tired and stressed,” you may have just planted a seed that influences them to begin feeling tired and stressed. When I was younger, a girl in my 2nd grade class called me “Bucky” because I have a slight overbite. To this day, I am self-conscious about my smile. Once a word is spoken, it is like an arrow leaving the bow, it cannot be retracted, hitting the intended target with a desired impact. Similarly, if you crumple a piece of paper, you can never completely smooth it out, no matter how hard you try. Words can leave a mark.
Your word is a very powerful tool to create whatever you wish to build.
Your word can build your self-esteem and character. When you say to yourself, “That was stupid of me” or “Who am I to think I can do this?” know that those are likely lies you are telling yourself. Rather say to yourself, “I am a capable and amazing person,” or something like that. Whatever is really the truth. Words build on one another, like bricks in a building. Do you want to build a prison or a castle?
Your word can build relationships. A kind word, a word of encouragement, and even words of insight can bolster another person and create a human bond. The key is to speak from the heart, tempered with wisdom.
Your word can build a business. First, you put words to your vision, mission, and plan for growth. By imparting those words to your team, your intentions are meaningfully transferred to those who can help build the business of your dreams.
Your word is the first step to building whatever you wish to create. Remember, the creation of the universe began with a word. With such power at your disposal, it is extremely important in how we use it. Speak with intention, speak with power, and speak from a full heart.