I was listening to a John Maxwell podcast and he shared an idea I want to pass on to you. It’s called the Rule of 5.
The concept essentially explains that if we do the right things consistently enough, success is inevitable, even if we consistently make baby steps. For example, if we take 5 whacks at a tree with an axe daily, we won’t drop the tree immediately, but eventually we will. A bigger tree (or goal) will take longer to topple than a small one.
In the podcast, John noted his daily 5 activities that he attributes to his success; EVERY DAY, John reads, writes, files ideas, thinks and asks questions. As for me, my daily 5 are:
- Personal contemplation and meditation
- Physical workout
- Read uplifting & informative literature
- Write
- Note ideas and inspiration I’ve learned
Decide what your daily 5 (or 3… even 1) will be and start chopping at your goal.